September 14, 2011

Your Wild Horses

So after having very pleasant spring weather in Paris and Provence, I headed to the Camargue for the last three days of my trip and it began to rain, rain, and rain some more. It rained pretty much the whole time. Not just little drops. It came pouring down. Three days straight. In the South of France. Some shoots were even cancelled. Especially painful was the sunrise shoot which was spent in a van waiting for a couple of hours for the rain to let up and then going back to the hotel when it didn't. Ah the glamorous life of a photographer. In the end, it turned out to be a blessing. For just enough time, at the right time, the rain would let up and this lovely soft light would surround us. It also meant I was able to achieve my "white on white" vision. This is how I pictured my photographs before I left for France. If we had had beautiful sunny days and intense blue skies, I wouldn't have been able to achieve it. Nature knows best after all.

These moments captured are among some of the most amazing moments of my life. The very first shoot required quite a bit of faith. My heart was racing from the moment it was explained that the 25 horses that would be running toward me would only swerve at the last second, but that rest assured, they would. I took some deep breaths and opened myself up to the experience. And what an experience it was.


lauren ricci said...

WOW such amazing photos! What an experience and well done for standing your ground when this lot charged at you!

Anonymous said...

so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes! I'm not one for horses, but these are just stunning and pull me in. Gorgeous work!

Anonymous said...

These images are incredible.

The Noisy Plume said...

I bet you felt terribly well captured. So well captured.

Unknown said...

spectacular photos.

Rachel said...

Simply beautiful!

Laurie Skillern said...

Words can not express how beautiful your images are.

Valeria said...

wow I can imagine your heart bitting so fast and then release and joy. What a great experience.
Lovely work

O vestido de 10 reais said...

May I put a link to your blog on mine?

thks, MaĆ­ra Morais

guerrillartmomma said...

these are amazing, they are so beautiful I have tears!

Rhianne said...

these have taken my breath away, they are just stunning, I can imagine it was a wonderful experience, wow.

Anonymous said...

what an incredible thing to do, but oh the images you captured. Wonderful photography
peace n abundance,

Meri said...

Graceful timeless brilliant images!

M+ said...

Elegant, primal, beautiful!

Life Verse Design said...

you are still my favorite. ahhh. simply amazing. glad you got to capture these!

Saraccino said...

I am just stunned! The pictures are unbelievable beautiful, the white background, the light, even with the water in white, shades of grey and silver... I have no words for this! Although I also would have never though of surround me with images of horses, yopur pictures tempt me!

Saraccino said...

I know looked through your whole blog. I especially love how you captured special moments, the look of peoples eyes...

That made me smile today, a lot, thanks for that! :)



anyaadores said...

These are the most amazing photos I have seen in like ages - WOW.

Britt @ Dreamy Spaces said...

I LOVE these horse pictures! Simply stunning! Fantastic shots!

woot said...

I just found your blog via a treasury featuring one of your photographs on the etsy front page. Wow! You have a great shop and I love love love this shoot. So ethereal and striking!

lisanne said...

Amazing pictures, really beautiful

DF said...

amazing shots!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these stunning photos - they have brought a sense of power, fun, and awe to my morning, Rachel.

Particular Places said...

Irene your works takes my breath away. I can't believe how beautiful it is. Thank you

Suzi Smith said...

Mmm....if the price of getting these was missing the sunshine, it was worth it, i think. the vision of white horses... the surreal whiteness... more than beautiful...

Janique Gorter said...

I'm totally in love with your pictures, stunning work!

Fremalo said...

simply fabulous ! :) thx

LeeLee said...

These images are incredible!!

Jean said...

that is just so amazing! wow, what an experience!

Wildlife Photography said...

Hi all,

Wow! So amazing photos you have taken of wild horses. Wild horses have unpigmented skin and a white hair coat. They are born white and remain this way throughout life. Many white horses have dark eyes, though some have blue eyes. Some white horses are born with partial pigmentation in their skin and hair, which may or may not be retained as they mature. Thanks....

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You have taken great pictures these types amazing Snaps really amazing moments in every person's life. all the pictures you have posted on this blog they have amazing look. thanks for sharing these inspirational photographs.

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