June 21, 2011

Remaining Neutral

I apologize for the long delay in posting photographs from my trip to France. I've been having some serious computer problems (still ongoing). I finally managed to edit enough photographs for a post.

In this series of images, I allowed myself to stay neutral and to try to do justice to the beautiful and subtle color palette of Parisian architecture. The monocromatic color scheme, upon closer inspection, seems to in fact contain hundreds of variations of grey, cream, beige, and white. Perhaps this is where Parisian women, famous for dressing in classic, neutral colors and adding splashes of color through accessories such as scarves, get their inspiration.


Lina-Paola said...

I like where you are going with the neutral colors in your photographs. Really cool approach, especially the way you captured the architecture. I especially like the one with the bridge. Nice work! I hope you had fun in Paris!

SoOhCliché said...

A set of lovely pictures, and although a Parisian myself I felt like a tourist gazing at them :)

Anna said...

I am overwhelmed by the beauty! Amazing pictures!

Kristina said...

beautiful pictures. awesome pallete of neutral colors.

shannonblue said...

So beautiful!

Unknown said...

Beautiful work, as always.

Valeria said...

Great start. That makes me be there once again.

Mariella said...

these pictured are stunning...how did you manage to catch the coherence of these colors? It's beautiful, Paris is beautiful...

Art by Trina said...

So lovely. The textures and tones are amazing. Thanks for sharing :)


nora chou said...

Hello from Hong Kong

Loving the series of photos there. - Just out of curiosity, did you do any extra blurring with photo editing software??? -loving the effect.



Rhianne said...

these are beautiful, I'm going to Paris in August and these are making me even more excited about it :)

Anne said...

these are wonderful! love to see my city through your eyes :-)

nolitawanders said...

i've always been fascinated with your post-processing, absolutely eye candy! x

Anonymous said...

who would think monochrome could be so beautiful!

Carolyn Cochrane said...

Really beautiful Irene, I'm a fan! Your work really inspires me.

Kristin said...

The colors that give the images a bit monochrome, I really like. Wonderful photos.

Irene said...

Thank you all! I remember reading photography books that made white skies seem almost criminal, and now I'm actively seeking them.

Nora: The blur was captured in-camera, not in post-processing.

Rhianne: Enjoy Paris! You'll adore it I'm sure!

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Marcie said...

Stunning monochromes....WOW!

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SoFarBlue said...
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SoFarBlue said...

just discovered your blog, and I really enjoy all the beautiful pictures. I wanted to say that you had captured the beauty of Paris, which, for me, is at its best with cloudy grey skies. Then everything is just shades of soft grey, subtle. Autumn and winter can be beautiful there... I'm a parisian, not living there at the moment, so thanks for the memories!

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