Happy happy joy joy! It's officially here! It's a gorgeous sunny day and I feel like I'm finally beginning to wake up from a long slumber. I hope your first day of spring is a beautiful one in your neck of the woods. To celebrate, I'm having a sale on print sets in my Etsy shop.
It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!~Mark Twain
This has been such a long winter. We've not had nearly as much snow as last winter, but it has been bitterly and unforgivingly cold. We're getting more days on the plus side of zero, but today is so very grey, and so I decided to visit some of the cheerier parts of the color spectrum.
Back in January, one of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition's designers contacted me to ask if I would would be willing to donate some prints to an upcoming project. The show does such incredible things for families in need and so I was thrilled to. The prints were used in the construction of a new home for Mary Ann Riojas and her four children in Fresno, California. The episode will air this Sunday (March 8). Here are some of the photographs that I donated and that you may spot if you watch carefully.